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News Item: HAE EHA Welcomes New Key Contact at DWP

The Hire Association is pleased to welcome Carl Widdowson as the Strategic Relationships key contact for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), and JobCentre Plus.

HAE works closely with DWP for support and guidance on recruitment and training within the hire and construction sector, including topics like work experience and campaigns that aim to boost employment across the industry.

The role was previously held by Anne Pavey who worked in support of the association for over 10 years, assisting with recruitment projects like Work Experience and the Wage Incentive (WE WI) and, more recently, Hiring Made Easy.

Of the new appointment HAE EHA CEO Paul Gaze said, “On behalf of the Association and our members, I would like to say a huge thank you to Anne Pavey for her support and drive in assisting the hire and rental sector with recruitment. We look forward to working with Carl to further develop the relationship between our organisations. DWP is a great source of recruiting staff and we have certainly benefited at the Association having brought a number of colleagues into the business through our links with DWP”.

Although based in the West Midlands Carl operates nationally and can be contacted on or 07554 438685.

DWP provide a range of resources and assistance to organisations seeking to recruit new colleagues into their organisation.  Some useful information for recruiters, including advice on offering work experience and employing people with disabilities, can also be found here.

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