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News Item: Figures Released by HSE Show Decline in Cases of Mesothelioma

In July the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) published its annual figures for workplace fatalities in 2023/24. These included statistics on deaths caused by mesothelioma, the cancer caused by previous exposure to asbestos.

Over the years these figures consistently increased reaching an average of 2,529 deaths per year between 2012 and 2020. However, these numbers are beginning to decline, with 2,290 recorded deaths in 2021 and 2,257 in 2022.

A ban on the use of all forms of asbestos was introduced in 1999 however the substance is still present in millions of homes and commercial premises built prior to that. When disturbed by construction or demolition work asbestos can become highly dangerous and extra safety measures must be taken by labourers.

HSE provides a number of useful resources, in addition to the information linked above this includes:

  • Managing and Working with Asbestos; Approved Code of Practice and Guidance

  • HSE is running two campaigns that aim to raise awareness and address the ongoing risks of asbestos:

    • Asbestos and You, aimed at tradespeople
    • Asbestos – Your Duty, information for building owners/managers/landlords on the legal requirement to control asbestos

    • Finally, there is guidance available for association members on the return of hired equipment that may have been exposed to asbestos. Download the Managing Exposure to Construction Dusts in the Workplace code of practice booklet from the Members’ Area of the HAE EHA website.

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