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News Item: NHS ‘111 Press 2’ a Big Step Forward for Access to Urgent Mental Health Support

A step in the right direction
The NHS ‘111 press option 2’ for mental health is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all ages. People can use this number if they have an urgent mental health concern themselves or about someone they know.

By providing access to a mental health professional, without the need for a GP referral, it can help support people to manage a mental health crisis and in many cases be an alternative to attending emergency departments or calling the police.

The service can be accessed by calling NHS 111 and selecting ‘option 2’. Callers will be transferred to a dedicated member of a mental health team in their local health board area.

It includes an assessment of needs and telephoned based intervention to reduce distress. Where appropriate individuals can be referred to mental health services, given self-care advice or signposted to other support.

The service has been rolled out across the UK and has so far received more than 15,000 calls. The majority of callers have had their problems resolved through advice on self-management or been referred to local third sector groups, with a minority of callers referred to urgent mental health care services.

You can also access the service by completing the 111 online form here.

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